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“It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world.”

~ Eckhart Tolle

We forget to consciously breathe on a daily basis; yet, it's our most valuable SUPER POWER available to us the instant we need it. We all have the power to eliminate the rage, anger, fear, worry, anxiety, stress and negativity that exists within us...instantly; by simply breathing. We keep ourselves so busy that even with the best of intentions, we know we need to meditate but don’t prioritize nurturing our Inner ZEN magic.

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"Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that spaces is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and freedom." 

~ Victor E. Frankl



  • Let go of monkey mind mental looping patterns of worry, stress, and anxiety

  • Protect your positive energy from negativity

  • Calm your nervous system down to learn how to respond rather than react to challenging relationships and life circumstances

  • Practice creating sacred inner spaces for inspiration, intuitive messages, and transformative healing to arise

  • Learn how to listen to your Inner Wise Voice while letting go of external distractions and noise

  • Be present, living in the now; where time doesn’t exist and you can tune into your inner bliss

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Calming our minds relaxes our bodies. This places us in a receptive state of responsiveness, despite outside chaotic circumstances. From this state of mindfulness we are empowered to make simple to significant decisions that can produce high potential future outcomes in our lives. Do you value living a high potential life as your optimized self? Consider this…

  • Decisions made from a stressful state of being = more stressful future outcomes.

  • Decisions made from a PEACEFUL state of being = more PEACEFUL future outcomes.

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In Eastern cultures, great significance is placed on mindful breathing techniques to support holistic health and wellness. Taking care of ourselves significantly improves how we experience our everyday circumstances, relationships and life.

We exercise our heart, muscles and our bodies, why not exercise our minds and spiritual selves? The power of our breath is the most overlooked and undervalued function we all have as human beings. Only through experience, will you acquire the wisdom, insight and transformation to best be able to value, appreciate and understand for yourself.


  • Release Inner Stagnation

  • Purify Your Lungs

  • Stimulate Blood Circulation

  • Energize Heart Health

  • Lower Blood Pressure

  • Become More Kind And Loving

  • Enhance Mental Health & Clarity

  • Detoxify Stress & Negativity

  • Cultivate Emotional Health

  • Boost Metabolism & Digestion

  • Harmonize Your Energy

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"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day

is the rest we take between two deep breaths."

~ Etty Hillesum

Bottom line: By simply breathing consciously and consistently, we can create a solid foundation of channeling our Inner ZEN (peace, presence, and power).

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” ~ Caroline Myss

This significantly influences our moods, behavior, whether we unconsciously react to our circumstances or mindfully respond to what is triggering us from within. Cultivating our powerful presence enables us to see our hopeless, challenging, and devastating circumstances from a higher conscious perspective.

Suzie SanDoval at the International rose garden, portland, oregOn

Suzie SanDoval at the International rose garden, portland, oregOn

"Simply breathe, is my daily practice which has been instrumental in transforming my life, my relationships, connecting with my intuition, being courageous despite fearful circumstances and healing trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression that caused me unbearable suffering from within.

I have experienced multiple forms of meditation for the past seven years and have discovered how vital daily breathing exercises are in my life.

The state of well being we experience at the beginning and end of our day directly correlates to how we engage with what happens in between.

This makes simply breathe, an inspiring practice and a valuable life mastery skill for living a high-potential life as our optimized selves. It brings me joy to breathe in union and unison, let’s breathe together and create an epic new mindful earth we deeply love." ~ Suzie Sandoval, ZEN Meditation Teacher

When we are deeply rooted in who we are, we become the master of consciously co-creating of our lives.


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Poetry By Suzie Sandoval

So, here's a cheer,

This time for you,

To tune into your ZEN,

And create space

for the new.


A rejuvenating space,

reminding you,

Of the powerful presence,

you exude.


Simply breathe,

with an inspiring twist,

To prepare you

for your next endeavor,

Inhale calm confidence

and follow your bliss,

Say goodbye to the old,

And seal it with a kiss.


Your infusion of ZEN,

A wondrous moment to be,

It's about to begin,

All you have to do is breathe.

Relax your mind,

assure your worries,

Relieve yourself of stress,

and anxiety,

Slow down for a moment,

and simply breathe.


Simply breathe each day,

A powerful practice

to start now,

Exercising your mind

to learn to calm down.


Find your peace,

Open yourself up to receptivity,

Discover epic newfound clarity,

Ahhh, remember to just breathe.

You will begin to see,

How to tune into

your miraculous self,

By letting go of resistance,

And Flowing in harmony,